Portfolio Asset Management

Fundamental strength and reasonable valuation position REITs for a strong expected return. Active management can further enhance returns by selecting stocks with cheaper valuations and/or better business operations. Since 2003, 2nd Market Capital has been providing REIT-centric Portfolio Asset Management services that attempt to exceed REIT index returns.
If you are an advisor interested in 2MCAC’s Solicitor referral arrangements, please contact us.

Proprietary Investment Portfolio

Our Proprietary Investment Portfolio, REIT Total Return, designed and managed by 2nd Market Capital allows clients to invest in the Portfolio’s strategy by simultaneously replicating the activity in the REIT Total Return Investment Portfolio into investing clients’ accounts.

The REIT Total Return Investment Portfolio is actively managed with the goal to generate high returns from a mix of dividends and capital appreciation.  It consists of 10-20 hand-selected stocks from a pool of more than 175 tax-advantaged real estate equities, primarily common and preferred shares of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).


Our Portfolio Income Solutions, offered through Seeking Alpha’s Marketplace service, provides stock picks, extensive analysis, and data sheets to help enhance the returns of do-it-yourself investors.

Sub-advisory Portfolio Curation for Financial Professionals

As its sub-advisory service, 2nd Market Capital Advisory Corporation applies its investment experience to building and maintaining a curated portfolio which serves as guidance that the advisor can apply to whatever extent is desired. Sub-adviser will send periodic updates in an effort to keep the adviser informed of real-time opportunities and analysis of current events.
Click here to view our sub-advisory contract.

Contact Us

2nd Market Capital Advisory Corp
650 N. High Point Road
Madison, WI 53717
(608) 833-7793 - phone

Investment advisory services offered through 2nd Market Capital Advisory Corporation, a Wisconsin registered investment advisor.

View disclosure information for 2nd Market Capital Advisory Corporation and our investment professionals by visiting the SEC Investment Advisor Public Disclosure website.

Copyright 2024 2MCAC | Website built and maintained by Jack Knesek

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